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Map being used for locational analysis

Mapping & GIS

As one of the world’s leading map publishers, we have some of the best independently sourced and maintained GIS map data.

 Supplied in industry standard formats, they are perfectly suited to anything from use in a client’s own product or service, to use within a desktop Geographic Information System (GIS).

Industry standard formats

All industry standard data formats are supported. This makes our data easy to implement and use in your GIS and mapping project.

Quality maps straight out the box

A majority of our vector data products come with a pre-prepared map style. The feature coding structure allows mapping professionals to create maps of anywhere in the world easily. Our raster data offers high quality map images that have been generated entirely by digital methods.

Global coverage

We have data at many map scales across the whole world. Wherever your focus may be, we can help contextualize your mapping project.

Products & Services

World Map Data

Vector, raster and textual data of all our world products

Mobile Network Coverage Data

Network coverage information provided directly from its source all around the world

UK & Ireland Map Data

Street and road level map data of the UK and Ireland

Place Name Data

Gazetteer data: known for its authority

Postcode Data

Detailed and up-to-date postcode data

Want to know more?