World Locate Premium
Technical Detail
The Data
Collins Bartholomew World Locate Premium is a world gazetteer with ~3,600,000 names for ~2,600,000 unique places.
Each place in the gazetteer is given a coordinate location which refers to the designated centre of a settlement, the approximate centre of an area feature, an arbitrary point along a linear feature or the location of the name of a land feature. The coordinates of the feature are stored as longitude and latitude in decimal degrees.
Places are classified by the country and admin division they fall within. 1st order administrative division are complete almost 190 countries with 99.4% of towns worldwide assigned to their 1st order admin division.
Data Format
The standard format for distribution of World Locate Premium is as a colon delimited text file for easy integration within a wide range of software applications. It is also available as a point feature class within an ESRI file geodatabase. Other formats may be available on request.
The character set used is Unicode UTF-8 by default.
Geographic Coverage
World Locate covers the entire globe: -180,-90 south west to 180,90 north east
Coordinate Information
Coordinate system – Geographic coordinates – longitude, latitude
Units – decimal degrees, also expressed as degree and minute values
Product Update Cycles
World Locate Premium is updated continuously and released in March, June, September and December each year.
World Locate Premium is split into two files – one for main feature names and one for alternative names. The following tables describe the attributes included in each of the two files.
Main Feature Names – WorldLocatePremium_Main
Field | Description | Coverage | Example | Example |
Link_ID | A unique identifier for the feature, which links to other Collins Bartholomew data products, including the alternative names table. | All places | 219437 | 218089 |
Map_Name | The name that would normally be shown on a map, usually in local form | All places | Köln | Ostrov Greem-Bell |
Index_Name | The name that would normally be used in an index, physical names are permuted | All places | Köln | Greem-Bell, Ostrov |
Search_Name | Name in lowercase without spaces or diacritics to facilitate searching | All places | koln | ostrovgreembell |
Country | The country the place falls within | All places | Germany | Russian Federation |
Country_ID | The unique Link ID identifier for the country | All places | 207005 | 207099 |
Country_ISO | The ISO 3166 code for the country | All towns where relevant | DE | |
Admin1 | The first order admin division the place falls within | 99% of towns | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Arkhangel`skaya Oblast` |
Admin1_ID | The unique Link ID identifier for the admin1 division | 99 % of towns | 380684 | 708804 |
Admin2 | The second order admin division the place falls within | Some towns | Köln | |
Admin2_ID | The unique Link ID identifier for the admin2 division | Some towns | 215979 | |
Admin_ISO | The ISO 3166-2 code for the admin division. This generally corresponds to our depiction of Admin1 but will be the Admin2 for countries with ‘super-regions’, i.e. in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, France, Italy, Maldives, Nepal, Spain, and United Kingdom. | 99 % of towns | DE-NW | |
Physical_Locator | The physical locator for the place, normally an island name | Relevant towns, some other features | Zemlya Frantsa-Iosifa | |
Physical_Locator_ID | The unique Link ID identifier for the physical locator | Relevant towns, some other features | 220460 | |
Feature_Class_Name | The Collins Bartholomew feature classification in text format | All places | 2ND ORDER ADMIN CAPITAL 3 MILLION TO 4 MILLION | LANDSCAPE NAME SIZE 2 |
Feature_Class_ID | The ID of the Collins Bartholomew feature classification, links to other Collins Bartholomew data products | All places | 206236 | 197115 |
Descriptor | The term that would normally be used to describe the feature in an index | All non-town features | ISLAND | |
Population | The latest population for the place | Larger towns, admin divisions and countries | 3084000 | |
Height | The height in metres for larger mountains, hills, volcanoes etc. | Relevant physical features | ||
Latitude_Decimal | Latitude coordinate in decimal form | All places | 50.93362 | 80.87210083 |
Longitude_Decimal | Longitude coordinate in decimal form | All places | 6.95533 | 64.04403154 |
Latitude_Degree | Latitude coordinate, degree part | All places | 50 | 80 |
Latitude_Minute | Latitude coordinate, minute part | All places | 56 | 52 |
Latitude_Hemisphere | Latitude hemisphere, N or S | All places | N | N |
Longitude_Degree | Longitude coordinate, degree part | All places | 6 | 64 |
Longitude_Minute | Longitude coordinate, minute part | All places | 57 | 3 |
Longitude_Hemisphere | Longitude hemisphere, N or S | All places | E | E |
Time_Zone_Code | Major time zone code | All towns | P0100 | |
Time_Zone_Name | The name the time zone is known by | All towns | Central European Time | |
Time_Zone_Name_DST | The name the time zone is known by when DST is on | All towns | Central European Summer Time | |
DST_Flag | Y/N flag to indicate if Daylight Saving Time is used | All towns | Y | |
DST_On_Date | Date the next period of Daylight Saving Time starts | Relevant Towns | 27-MAR-11 | |
DST_Off_Date | Date the next period of Daylight Saving Time ends | Relevant Towns | 30-OCT-11 | |
UTC_Offset | Number of hours offset from Greenwich Mean Time | All towns | 1 | |
Time_Zone_Unique_ID | Unique ID for combination of time zone and DST | All towns | 53 |
Alternative Names – WorldLocatePremium_Alts
Field | Description | Example | Example |
Alt_ID | A unique identifier for the specific alternative name | 663664 | 930 |
Link_ID | A unique identifier for the feature, which can be used to connect the alternative name to the correct feature in the main table. | 219437 | 218089 |
Alt_Map_Name | An alternative name for the feature | Cologne | Graham Bell Island |
Alt_Index_Name | An alternative name that would normally be used in an index, physical names are permuted | Cologne | Graham Bell Island |
Alt_Type | Used to identify what type of alternative name is listed. Possibilities are: ALT: A simple alternative name by which the place is sometimes known CONV: A widely recognised English Conventional name form EXONYM: The name in a language other than that spoken locally EXONYMCONV: A conventional name in a language other than that spoken locally FORM: A former name used within the last 50 years HIST: A former name used more than 50 years ago LONG: Long form name SHORT: Short form name | EXONYM | CONV |
Language_ISO | If ALT_TYPE = EXONYM then this field indicates which language by the language’s ISO code (ISO 639). | FRE | – |
Language_Name | If ALT_TYPE = EXONYM then this field indicates which language by name | FRENCH | – |
Quality Standards
Collins Bartholomew takes the greatest of care in assuring the high quality of our data. The data is constantly being updated and revised, with an average of 40,000 name edits each year.
All our database updates are thoroughly researched by our highly dedicated in-house team of professional cartographers and information researchers.
We also use external experts, specialist organisations, official organisations, agencies, government departments and business offices to assist in the information gathering process.
Policy changes (e.g. international boundary changes, new country depiction, name changes) are informed by external experts. For advice on name forms we look to the PCGN (the UK government’s Permanent Committee on Geographic Names for British Official Use) and BGN (US Board on Geographic Names) plus of course local/country specific information. From this we would make our decision on the ‘de facto’ stance and apply geographical expertise to work out the details.
World Locate Premium is available as a standalone dataset that you can download and store locally, or it can be accessed via one of our secure web services. Whichever you choose, our licence fees are based on the number of concurrent users with fees staring from £1,375 per annum.